Trapez Node is an innovative node protocol coming very soon on the Metis Andromeda blockchain. This protocol is a first of its kind on this blockchain, we are inspired by Thor Financial. Investors of Trapez Node will be able to create a node and benefit of a passive income for life.
At first, on our protocol, investors will be able to make nodes and gain daily reward with their nodes. There will be no limit for nodes per wallet, as well as every node will be usable for life. On the early stages of the project, investors will be able to make three types of nodes.Then, we already plan, on the second step of the project, to introduce more kind of nodes like Thor Financial, directly to our protocol. There will be some big improvements in our protocol.
The Dapp will be updated and improved. At this stage, we would like to own one Metis Andromeda validator node and share its profit with our investors.
Finally, the team has a lot of ideas and plans for the future...
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