Last updated
Last updated
Total token supply: 1 000 000
Reward Pool: 900 000
Pool token Supply: 10 000
Protocol needs: 10 000
Team tokens: 80 000
Initial liquidity will be 10 000$. Launch price will be 1$
There are 3 types of nodes in our protocol.
To ensure more sustainability to the protocol, there is a maximum node cap:
Claiming tax is 10%
โ Rewards Pool = 67%
โ Treasury Fund = 10%
โ Liquidity Pool = 5%
โ Trapez Team = 18%
Note that the claiming tax is 19% if you claim your rewards before 4h between each compounds
Kouti: They require 18 tokens to be made. Each Kouti nodes reward 0.4 tokens daily.
Asfalis: They require 36 tokens to be made. Each Asfalis nodes reward 0.9 tokens daily.
Trapeza: They require 72 tokens to be made. Each Trapeza nodes rewards 1.9 tokens daily.
8000 Kouti
4000 Asfalis
2000 Trapeza